Super Hero Mumma

                                    Hello Super Hero Mumma!

How's everything in your world?  Crazy busy? Cruisy? Well... let me tell you....
For me it has been a little cra cra to say the least. 
Two words... School Holidays!

In a nut shell, this is both awesome and unbearable all at the same time.  Things are noisy, messy, unorganised, fun, entertaining, uncontrolled and just plain crazy!! And most of the time CHAOS  (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome !)  But we sucked it up and still invited a gorgeous young mum and her 7 kidlets over spontaneously yesterday....mess and all!  

Everyone has mess.  Why do we all try to hide it or pretend to be perfect?
What is with this huge false garbage we go along with?  What is with the pressure that we accept and try to live up to?

It's called the Perfection Infection!!!

I personally have had some real battles in my own life.

Firstly, being a Work From Home Mum (WFHM), school holidays have been a massive challenge.  Trying to get snippets of time to do some form of work but still sharing myself with everyone else.  Late nights trying to get something done, but then teens and hubby need a piece of me too.   It really never ends.  Here it is already nearly May and things I had hoped to achieve just haven't happened, but you know what?  I can try again.  I get to do it all over and do it better.  Manage my time better.  Love better. Love more. Take time where it's needed and focus on the important things.

Somethings just never happen smoothly in the holidays.  I have had to just sit back and breathe and enjoy the days and snatch snippets of time, usually minutes (often in the loo on my phone!) .  Just doing what I can to keep things going for everyone, still supporting my team and family at the same time.

How can I expect things to be the same as when everyone is in school and busy is just ridiculous!!  What was I thinking??  Just crazy hey!?  Just trying to keep things going and appear perfect all.the.time!!!
Just let it go.

Another huge thing for me has been in my marriage.  Who's marriage is perfect?  Really?  I mean really perfect?
I have had a major revelation after 32 years of marriage!!  My husband is not perfect...and neither an I.  What a shock!!  Seriously?!  I have been putting so much pressure on both of us to have to fit into someone else's mould of what perfect is.
My expectations of what normal is has been unachievable for hubby who is working through his own stuff.  Time for me to step back and show a little grace.  Boy, once I am perfect then I can point all the fingers I want!!
Same goes for mothering.  There is so much Mum Shaming going on today.  I am done with it.  I am into Mum Faming and holding up high you gorgeous mummas and all you do, day in and day out!!  Good on you.  
Whether you need to work outside the home, area WFHM or a SAHM....more power to you!!  You are absolutely fabulous!!!!  


Thanks for reading this far, Thanks for letting me be vulnerable and sharing my heart, not an easy thing for me to do. 

I am off again in a few days (once I get them all back into school and work routine) to go to Melbourne for a long weekend to one of our company's huge events.  This is actually a big deal for me as I have been asked to appear on one of the panels...up on front of 2000 people!        

Little old Mumma me!

It's a pretty big deal.  Sadly my fam bam doesn't get it.  I am just mum! Just same old/same old.  But I am excited for what this means.  For my personal growth and also my business growth.  I am feeling very honoured and just a bit blessed!

Have an outstanding week and I'll check in again when I get back into my Big Girl Mumma Panties :)   That's what this life takes hey!?  Pull them up and step out and own it!

Be awesome this week and show the world just how beautiful and phenomenal you really are!
  You're a Super Hero Mumma

Love Lisa


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