
Showing posts from 2018
When you're chilling at departure gate 23 and chatting to hubby when you hear your name called out over the loud speaker to go to gate 21!!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! Sprinted there in time to see a que still in the tunnel! Phew!!! Nothing worse than having to walk into a full plane of people waiting for you!!! Now waiting for supplies to be it wasn't just me thankfully!   πŸ˜‚ 🀣 πŸ˜‚ πŸ’• ( hahaha...that girl behind me doesn't look one bit impressed!! poor love)   πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ™„ πŸ€”
I needed to share this here too. Feeling blessed and a tiny bit excited   😍 😎
  I'm done!!   πŸ˜– Totally done with the whole Mum shame thing!!!   Who's with me on this? πŸ™ πŸ‘ I was chatting to 2 new mums yesterday and this came across over and over again, the feeling that they had to meet everyone's expectations... Is you baby sleeping through the night? How often does your baby feed? Are you still breast feeding!!!??? Seriously! ENOUGH already!!   😑 😡 Who's with me on this? Let's stand up and just love on each other and support whatever differences are out there. Just LOVE!!   πŸ’• πŸ’• πŸ’•
Oh darling girl !!   πŸ’•   you make my heart melt xoxo Our day started out with a huge unknown. There were 27 bush fires around our area all night. Our area was on alert this morning. We were on watch due to high winds and huge pine trees all around us. We chatted quickly over breakfast about it and tried to play down the risk for the kids. We talked about what you'd take if you had to evacuate. I said photos, hard drives, passports , birth certificates and insurance info...and   cats, dog and bunnies.   🌸 🐢 🐱 🐈 🐰 πŸ‡   maybe if I had time, I'd grab a change of clothes each.. everything else is replaceable! I decided I wouldn't be on the school helper list today but stay home to watch. Sweet Miss 11 went off to her room before school and told me she'd packed! I just thought to snoop to see what she holds dear and important to her   πŸ’•   sweet girl.
I have been a Mum for just so long.... Maybe you can relate??? Mum mode, sometimes it feels as though I have been living under a rock! An amazing rock but a rock just the same. I have been discovering a new side to me, different things to be involved with that inspire and challenge me. A bit like coming out of a cocoon I guess  :)   πŸ› πŸ¦‹ πŸ’• πŸ’ž ❓ Are you a bit like me and are looking for a challenge and to stretch yourself? ❓ Has this past year just slipped away so fast and you haven't done those things that you wanted to do? ❓ What is 2018 going to look like for you? ❓ Do you need a new focus and challenge?  :) ❓ How about a side hustle and additional income  πŸ’² πŸ’² πŸ’² all while being inspired  πŸ’‘  by like-minded, savvy women?  πŸ’ Honestly ladies, it's time to crawl out from under that 'mumma rock' (as beautiful as it is!) and do something just for YOU! ❀️ Challenge yourself ...