
Showing posts from May, 2017

It's a hard gig with Teens !

Oh boy. I needed to read that. It was one of 'those' mornings after a couple of 'those' days with a particular child/man. He's very much like me I've come to realize and this article pointed out a few truths to me. I read these things, they resonate with my soul and then in the busyness and heat of the moment. all flies out the window  😢  Having teenagers over the past 17 years has really stretched me and lately I'm thinking, I'm stretched to my limit and "I can't do this  again" as 1 man-child hits 16.5yrs old and shows to be so much like myself!  πŸ˜†  During the night I was praying for a young mum who has 3 little boys, who'd been unwell and was reflecting on just how different those years are. When you're sick and have little ones, there really isn't an option of just going to bed. They can't bathe or feed themselves, safely. It's all upto Mum until Dad can step in if he's able. Those years are tough. But a...

Just Magical!!!

I'm full of magic tricks. The first was getting to the gym by 6:30am. The second was making all of my family disappear from the house for the whole day !!!!!!! Blissful work space  😊 😊 😊

Mum's off again!!!

Well, I've done it again! Left my family while I run across the world....literally across the world! We had sobs from Miss 11 yesterday and today. Mr 6 was happy enough after me agreeing to him spraying my perfume on his blanket so he can remember my smell  😚  Trying to explain to one child why I needed to go away. .... I have 4 businesses! ! My first and biggest job is Mum. This takes a lot of EVERYTHING! My other businesses provide different things for me and others. This  one has given me huge personal growth, friendships, learning, service, time away to grow, personal stretching , me time, others time...and so much more...making me a better person and ultimately a better Mum. Hard to explain to kids that time away makes me better. In the past it may have been a trip to Woollies on my own  😚  and more recent years it has been craft days, camps or conventions. And now it's this and it is exploding on so many levels. So....I'm nearly half way to perth and to...

Preparing to leave...again

Preparing to go away for 9 nights.... (but who's counting  πŸ˜‚ ) they have a freezer full of meals and will be adding muffins to that tomorrow. Now to hide these and tell a select few where they are  πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜„ 😍

Take time to breathe

Even if it is just for 1 minute. take a detour home past this after youth group drop off....totally worth it.   😚

Sandwich City !

Just one way we try to be a little more organized in the mornings  😚  Sandwich city!! We made over 100 rounds of Chicken and mayo, Polony and sauce, and jam sandwiches. All individually wrapped and frozen for easy mornings. The kids can grab some salad and fruit and are good to go  πŸ˜™  but with 35 lunches per week...these won't last long  πŸ˜‰  and some wonder why I need an aussie coffee!  😚 πŸ˜™  πŸ˜š


Just love it when I get my favorite parking spot at Woollies  😊  We are so abundantly blessed to be able to drive to food , choose whatever we want and load it up and drive back to a beautiful, safe home. Makes me realize just how good we have it and we so often overlook and take so much for granted. Our problems are absolutely nothing and life is so abundant. Feeling extremely grateful  πŸ˜™

Dad Rules !!!!!

On a Saturday afternoon and Dad says, "let's go camping!" Mum braces herself for the flurry of activity, squeales of excitement, 20 trips to the shed leaving all the doors open enabling cats out and flies in, then little ones so exciting they sit in the hot car for an hour waiting for dad to finish his foraging. No...I didn't go too. 😚  This is a Dad and kids trip where there are only Dad's rules and should be "what happens at camp, stays at camp! !" But unfortunately in the  past, there have been storied how many Tim Tams one had for breakfast and who cooked noodles at 2 am because she was hungry.... who was dragged behind the car on the surfboard for how far!!? This is little Jed's first real Dad Camp experience and felt very grown up leaving me behind.... yes I stayed home  😚 . Don't get too excited for me....with 3 teenage boys too....who found their own dinner thankfully  😊 Sleeping in tiny tent, on back seat of the ...